Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery

Cardiology and Heart Surgery

You’ll find some of the best heart doctors in the world at our heart clinic, which are located throughout the Triangle and beyond. Our cardiologists, heart specialists, and heart surgeons have advanced training in heart disease, conduct research, and use a team approach to manage and treat your heart condition. Their collective experience in treating thousands of people with heart disease ensures you receive the best care, close to home.

Our Heart Doctors

Meet our cardiologists, heart surgeons, and other heart specialists who can help you manage your heart disease.

Conditions and Procedures

  • Adult Congenital Heart Disease
  • Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Dissection
  • Aortic Valve Disease
  • Arrhythmia Treatment
  • Cardiac Ablation
  • Cardiac Amyloidosis
  • Cardiac Catheterization
  • Cardiomyopathy Treatment
  • Carotid Artery Disease
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Duke Pediatric and Congenital Heart Center
  • Genetic Heart Disease in Adults
  • Heart Attack
  • Heart Bypass Surgery
  • Heart Disease Prevention
  • Heart Disease in Women
  • Heart Failure Care
  • Heart Transplant Program
  • Hypertension
  • Marfan Syndrome and Other Connective Tissue Disorders
  • Mitral Valve Disease
  • Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Sports Cardiology
  • Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)
  • Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs)

Why Choose Us

Having a our heart specialist manage your care gives you access to the latest technology and treatments. Our ongoing work to set nationally accepted treatment guidelines ensures you benefit from heart care that is backed by research. 

Top Hospital for Heart Care and Heart Surgery
Our Hospital was named one of Healthgrade’s top 100 best hospitals for cardiac care, and one of the 50 best hospitals for cardiac surgery. Based on performance, safety, patient experience measures, and more, these awards recognize “superior clinical outcomes” for heart bypass surgery, coronary intervention, heart valve surgery, heart attack, and heart failure.

Superior Heart Care Outcomes
Studies show that major medical centers like ours that treat high volumes of patients achieve better results — including fewer complications, faster recovery, and better long-term survival rates.

Lifesaving Initiatives for Heart Attack
Our efforts to improve cardiac care include an emergency response protocol for heart attack that ensures patients receive lifesaving treatment to restore blood flow as quickly as possible. As a result, we’ve helped increase survival rates across the world for the most serious form of heart attack.

High-Tech Heart Imaging
Imaging tests and minimally invasive procedures such as cardiac catheterization are the best way for you to get the right treatment at the right time and the best possible outcome. Only large heart centers like Duke have the most up-to-date technology and credentialed, certified heart specialists who make treatment recommendations based on what they see.

Treatment Advances and Clinical Trials
As a our patient, you may be eligible to participate in clinical trials that range from testing new therapies not available elsewhere to studying new ways to manage lifestyle changes that reduce your heart disease risk or help you live comfortably. We are also able to treat many people who are not considered candidates for treatment elsewhere.

Among the Best and Largest VAD and Transplant Programs
We are consistently recognized among the best and largest ventricular assist device (VAD) and heart transplant programs in the country. Transplant recognition is based on the number of transplants we perform, our transplant rates, and post-transplant survival rates. 

Newest, Most Effective Treatments
Our endocrinologists, endocrine surgeons, and researchers have extensive experience and are experts in the newest and most effective treatments. For example, we offer many of the newest medications and therapies available today, including the Reclast IV infusion for osteoporosis and, through a clinical trial, an anti-PCSK9 for lipid disorders.

Remote, Written Second Opinion Reports
Get a written second opinion report from a Duke Health specialist in the comfort of your home. A second opinion can confirm a diagnosis, offer a different diagnosis, provide information about the most advanced treatments available, and ensure confidence in your decisions when faced with a serious medical condition.